Terms and conditions of use

Terms and conditions of use

Our privacy policy allows us to build a relationship of trust between you and our services in order to provide you with a positive experience in a completely transparent manner.

With this policy, we will be able to take into account your requirements and meet your expectations.

In order to respect your trust, KDML Retail Limited guarantees the respect of your personal data, as well as the confidentiality of our customers (hereafter "Your Data").

For the sake of full transparency towards you, in order to guarantee a secure use of our website www.kossdesign.com in all its available versions and related applications (hereinafter the "kossdesign.com website"), we make available the way we handle your data, so that our services are always in line with the respect of your rights. In this way, we ensure the security, confidentiality and non-alteration of your privacy and data across all our platforms.

We and our policy ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to protect your data against disclosure, loss or alteration. Therefore, we provide you with all the elements that allow you to easily understand our way of handling your data. This data will only be kept for the time necessary for the management and processing determined. You will be able to access and modify your data at any time, as it will be available in your personal area of the site www.kossdesign.com

For these purposes, we strive to take all necessary steps to comply with applicable data protection law.

Thus, hereby the undersigned KDML Retail Limited commits itself by this policy of protection of your personal data to respect the essential principles of the general European regulation and of the French law concerning the protection of personal data, by making available to you the information concerning the existence and the modalities of the data processing applied here (paragraph 3), the rights you have concerning your data, as well as by applying these rights ourselves (paragraph 6 and 10). Any information regarding possible transfers to third countries or recipients is also made available, as well as the time of storage of the data collected (paragraph 5) and security measures (paragraph 9).

Color icons credit: Benzoix
Credit for use of bracelet icons: Flaticon by iconixar
Credit for use of "Why buy from Koss Design" icons: IconScoutFinance, Mohit Gandhi, Ideen Werkstatt


When we refer to "you" in this Privacy Policy, it is simply because it relates directly to you as a customer of KDML Retail Limited if you have placed an order on the kossdesign.com website, a customer of KDML Retail Limited if you have created a customer account but have not ordered products or services, or a visitor to the kossdesign.com website without creating a customer account or placing an order.

  1. WHO ARE WE?

KDML Retail Limited is a limited liability company registered with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) Ireland under number 725523 with its registered office at 24A BAGGOT STREET UPPER DUBLIN D04 N528, Ireland

KDML Retail Limited publishes the www.kossdesign.com website and as such, it carries out various processing operations on your Data in its capacity as data controller.


3.1 When do we collect your personal data?

Your personal data may be collected if you visit the site www.kossdesign.com using cookies, if you create a customer account on the site www.kossdesign.com, if you place an order for one of our products or services or agree to be a member of our newsletters (SMS, e-mails).

Your personal data is used to make your navigation on the kossdesign.com site more fluid, as well as to offer you a more personalized experience. We can thus better process your orders, make payment available in installments, avoid fraud, make necessary refunds, and manage your customer reviews.

3.2. Your navigation on the Site www.kossdesign.com

In order to enable you to navigate on the www.kossdesign.com website, we process your data with your consent as the legal basis for this.

3.3. The processing of your orders

We use your data to process your orders.

The use we make of it is for the management of mediation, customer relations (and through social networks), our after-sales service and distance selling, our actions related to the management of marketing and commercial prospecting for the site www.kossdesign.com , as well as for the management, delivery and transport of orders.

The execution of the contract between the two parties (you and us) is the legal basis for the processing of this data.

KDML Retail Limited's legal obligation is the legal basis for processing, in respect of the management of product recall. Your consent or our legitimate interest is, as the case may be, the legal basis for processing for marketing and business development purposes. Your consent is the legal basis for the implementation of the "flash" payment.

3.4. Payment in installments

In the case of orders that are subject to payment in instalments and for certain customers, your data is processed in order to be able to offer you this type of payment. The application of the contract between the two parties is the legal basis for the data processing. However, your consent remains the basis for the processing of your bank data.

3.5. Customer's opinion

To be able to share your opinions with our customers and visitors as well as allow you to leave your opinion on the site www.kossdesign.com we use your data on the legal basis of your consent or legitimate interest.

3.6. Payment collection and fraud control

In order to enable the collection of payments and the fight against fraud, we use your data.

Thanks to this, we can also guarantee the security of payments.

The legal basis for this processing is the implementation of this contract between the two parties and the legitimate interest of KDML Retail Limited as the controller.

3.7. Management operations of KDML Retail Limited

KDML Retail Limited's advertising operations are managed through the use of your data.

This will allow us to increase our customer and prospect data, to manage the maintenance and technical activities of prospects, commercial statistics and studies of advertising campaigns, the updating of the prospecting files of the organization in charge of the management of oppositions to telephone canvassing, solicitations, the setting up of our contests and lotteries or any other operation for promotional purposes except online gambling.

The legal basis for the above statements is the user's consent or the legitimate interest of KDML Retail Limited.


Your data are transmitted to several internal services of kossdesign.com

They are not sent to third parties, except in the situations specified below:

In order to process your orders, your personal data may be transmitted to several service providers whose specializations are banking transactions, customer relations, after-sales service, delivery, IT development, site management or the provision of guarantees or insurance.

For the implementation of the payment in x times, your data can be shared with service providers such as payment and transaction centers (banks...), or call centers for the management of business processes or customer experience, or, for customer reviews, to a manager of collection and processing of customer reviews.

The advertising network of kossdesign.com is managed, thanks to your data, to clients of the network and advertisers.


The data collected by kossdesign.com are kept only for the time and assistance necessary to set up and carry out the operations mentioned in paragraph 3 of our personal data policy.

We keep for a certain time some data collected by kossdesign.com :

In current archives for prospects, for 3 years from the last contact with the customer (they are therefore available for consultation by the services of KDML Retail Limited). We do not carry out any intermediate archiving of these data (for data of administrative interest for certain departments, such as for litigation, the retention periods are determined by the applicable statute of limitations).

For our orders, your data will be archived in the current archive for 5 years from the end of the use of the customer's orders, and in the intermediate archive for 5 years from the end of the storage in the current archive. The same applies to customers.

Bank data is stored in the current archive for the entire validity period of the credit card (plus one day). There is no intermediate archiving of bank data.

Cookies and their use and timeframe are detailed in paragraph 7 of our policy.


6.1. You have the right to request access, modification and rectification of your Data.

6.2. You have the right to request the limitation of the processing of your Data.

Important note: to do so, you must challenge the accuracy of your personal data for the time necessary for us to verify its accuracy. Or, if you believe that our use of your personal data is unlawful, you may request that we restrict the use of your data and not delete it. We no longer need to use your data for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 3, but your data is still useful for the establishment, exercise or defense of your legal rights, in the event that you decide to exercise your right to object during the time required for verification to determine whether the legitimate reasons we are pursuing prevail over yours.

6.3. You have the right to request the deletion of your Data.

If you request the deletion of your personal data, KDML Retail Limited will still be able to retain it in an interim archive format for as long as necessary to meet its legal, accounting and tax obligations.

6.4. You have the right to request the exercise of your right to object to the processing for commercial prospecting purposes.

In the event of prospecting by e-mail, you have the right to request the modification or the unsubscription of the newsletters by clicking on the hypertext link "unsubscribe me" available in all the newsletters, or by navigating directly on the contact page of the kossdesign.com site.

We value your privacy and the information you agree to share as part of our SMS marketing service. We use this information to send you text notifications (for your order, including cart abandonment reminders), text marketing offers, and transactional texts, including feedback requests from us.

Our website uses cookies to keep track of the items you place in your shopping cart, including when you have abandoned your order. This information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.

6.5. You have the right to transmit post-mortem prerogatives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your personal data.

In the absence of such a prerogative, your successors and heirs have the right to contact KDML Retail Limited to gain access to the uses of such data to enable "organization and settlement of the estate of the deceased" and/or to close the account on the site and/or to request that the personal data not be processed further.

You may also request that your data not be disclosed to a third party in the event of your death.

6.6. You are entitled to claim your right to portability.

6.7. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing on this legal basis.

Important clarification: If you decide to withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the uses made before your withdrawal of consent.

6.8. You are entitled, when you wish, to bring a complaint before the competent control authority (in France, the CNIL: www.cnil.fr).

In order to exercise your rights, please send your complaint (together with your e-mail, name, surname, copy of your ID and postal address) to the Data Protection Officer of KDML Retail Limited by e-mail to support@kossdesign.com and/or by post to KDML Retail Limited at 24A BAGGOT STREET UPPER DUBLIN D04 N528, Ireland

Within a maximum of one (1) month after the date of receipt of the complaint, we will send you a reply.


7.1. What is a cookie?

When you browse a website such as KDML Retail Limited's website, it may then, at your option, insert a text file on your receiver (computer, phone or tablet) through your browser.

This text file is called COOKIE. This cookie allows the website like kossdesign.com, during the prescribed time of validity or recording of the cookie, to identify your receiver used when you make another visit.

Only the sender of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in the cookie.

7.2. What is the purpose of cookies on kossdesign.com?

Different types of cookies can be categorized. Some of them are issued directly by KDML Retail Limited and its service providers, but some are issued by third party companies.

7.2.1. Cookies issued by kossdesign.com and its service providers

There are several categories of cookies that may be placed on your transmitter when you browse our website: Essential" cookies

In order to access our site, "essential" cookies are necessary, for example to be able to place an order.

If they are not present, you may experience problems navigating the site and be unable to place an order.

Essential" cookies also allow kossdesign.com to track its activity.

They can be inserted on your transmitter by kossdesign.com or by its providers. Analytical and Personalization" cookies

The "Analytical and personalization" cookies are not mandatory, they will allow us to facilitate your research, optimize your experience with us, we will be able to better target your expectations and adapt our offers and maximize the organization of our site. Advertising" cookies

Advertising cookies are displayed in the advertising areas of our site. The benefit to you is that your browsing time is enhanced and optimized by the presentation of offers and advertisements relevant to you.

To do this, "advertising" cookies will target your expectations in real time and offer you advertising content adapted to your desires and interests at the time, through your recent browsing history on other sites.

This is to avoid presenting you with advertising content that is of no interest to you. At the same time, KDML Retail Limited prefers to have its offers and advertisements delivered to users who will be interested in them.

The advertising content offered may contain cookies issued by kossdesign.com or by its service providers, or by third parties through the association of a cookie with the advertising content of an advertiser.

7.2.2. Cookies issued by third-party companies

Third parties using cookies on our site use their own privacy policies to do so. These cookies are not necessary for the use of our site.

7.2.3. Cookies issued by third-party applications integrated into our site

While you are browsing our site, we may include third party software applications on our site to provide you with the ability to share content and/or your opinion from our site with others, such as when you click on the "share" or "like" buttons from social networks.

These social networks can then through these buttons identify you even if you did not use them when browsing the site. It is possible for them to do this if when you last browsed the site you were simultaneously logged in or active on your social network transmitter. We have no control over the uses they make of the data they have.

To learn more about how your data and advertising content is used, you can go to your social networks and review their privacy policies. You should then be able to manage your settings according to your preferences on the user accounts of each of the social networks you are registered on.

Privacy policy of the above mentioned social networks, click on the social network of your choice:

Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fr/tos

Google + : https://policies.google.com/terms?hl=fr

Concerning our advertising network, we remind you, as mentioned before, that all our advertising spaces may contain cookies from third parties (advertiser at the origin of the advertisement presented, third party service providers of the advertiser...).

They can therefore with these cookies and during the prescribed time of validity of these, propose advertisements in the places made available for the advertisements of third parties, count the number of contents that they propose in our spaces, know the audience of these advertisements and the number of clicks; thanks to that they will be able to claim the sums which are due to them and establish their statistics. They can also know that your sender is the one who previously visited another site containing one of their ads, and therefore target you and personalize their content if necessary.

7.3. The options offered by your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.).

Your browser contains many options that you can set according to your preferences. By this means, you will be able to accept or not the cookies on your transmitter.

However, if you choose to accept the recording of these cookies on your transmitter, then, when you visit sites or contents with cookies present, these will be automatically recorded on your transmitter.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose to activate a reminder asking you if you accept or decline cookies before they are stored, or refuse to accept or decline each time a cookie is stored on your computer.

However, it is important to note that the choices you make when setting these parameters may modify or alter your navigation on the Internet or on certain sites or services that require the use of these cookies (such as placing an order on our site).

In the event that you prefer to refuse these cookies on your transmitter or delete those already stored, we decline all responsibility for the consequences of the alteration of the functioning of our services, which would result from the inability of our services to store or have access to the cookies used for their functioning.

7.3.1. How to choose your options according to your browser?

You have different options and choices available depending on your browser. In order to have more information, you can consult the help menu of your browser.

Internet Explorer™: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

Safari™: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?locale=fr_FR&viewlocale=fr_FR

Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647

Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies

Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html


Most of the time, your data is stored within the European Union.

However, when our service providers are located in countries outside the European Union, we share some of your data with third countries, such as with third countries where the European Commission has not conducted a compliance assessment.

In this case, we will make sure that this data sharing is done in compliance with the relevant regulations and that the protection of your privacy and fundamental rights is guaranteed (e.g. by using the contractual clauses of the European Commission).

The data protection officer can provide you with more information about the transfer of data on request.


With the technical and organizational measures that we take, we can guarantee a level of security that is in line with the risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons with regard to the points mentioned in point 2. In doing so, we take into account the origin, the scope, the context, the costs and the state of knowledge, the purposes of the processing, but also the identified risks.

In addition, we are up to date with the PCI DSS payment card industry security standard, which reflects our commitment to security.


Due to the automated processing we use (e.g. profiling), you are subject to legal effects that affect you.

All of this is necessary for the conclusion or execution of the contract between you and us.

This is how we can propose and carry out the automation of customer identification and "4 x payment". The basis of this operation is attached to the analysis of different variables concerning the type of products, the services ordered, or the customer profile.

If the risk is assessed with these statistics as being too great (fraud/unpaid), then this payment method will not be offered.

However, if you wish, you can obtain a human intervention although the decisions are automated, you will be able to give your opinion and/or oppose the automatic decision.


Our personal data policy will be updated whenever necessary in order to be in accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of your data (at least every three (3) years).